# Course 1 : 操作提交历史
# 1. 课程概述
Git : Git is a version control system
GitHub : GitHub is a code sharing and collaboration platform
What we'll cover?
: - Lesson 1 : install git + red-only usage
: - Lesson 2 : read + write git
: - Lesson 3 : share + collaborate
# 2. 练习查找较大文件之间的差异
Automatically Compare Files
- Windows —— FC (file compare)
FC favorite-app-old.html favorite-app.html
- Mac & Linux —— Diff (difference)
diff -u favorite-app-old.html favorite-app.html
# 3. Windows配置Git Bash打开Sublime Text 3
Find the directory where Sublime is located for you. For many people, this is
C:/Program\ Files/Sublime\ Text\ 3/sublime_text.exe
within Git Bash. To test this, rundir C:/Program\ Files/Sublime\ Text\ 3/sublime_text.exe
. You should seesublime_text.exe
listed. If you get the errorNo such file or directory
, Sublime is located somewhere else for you and you'll need to find it. For example, it might beD:/Sublime\ Text\ 3/sublime_text.exe
Run the following command in Git Bash:
echo 'alias subl="C:/Program\ Files/Sublime\ Text\ 3/sublime_text.exe"' >> ~/.bashrc
If Sublime was in a different directory for you in step 1, use that dictory.Close and re-open Git Bash.
in Git Bash.
# 4. Git中的手动提交
- In Git terminology, user-created checkpoints are called commits.
- Commits are the basic building blocks of Git, each one representing a version of the conetent at one point in time.
- Git requires the user to supply commit message each time a commit is created.
# 5. 使用Git浏览历史
cd version-control/asteroids
git log
diff --git a/game.js b/game.js
# 6. 多文件Git提交
Repository(版本库) : Git calls the collection of multiple files that you want to track together a repository.
git log --stat
, the --stat option gives some statistics about which files have changed in each commit.
# 7. 克隆和探索版本库
git clone https://github.com/udacity/asteroids.git
退出 git log
要停止查看 git log 的输出,请按 q (表示退出)。
git config --global color.ui atuo
git log : 运行git log会列出最近的提交以及相关的信息(包括提交ID)
git diff : 运行git diff(后跟两个提交ID)会比较这两个提交的代码版本
git diff old.txt nex.txt
# 8. Git 错误和警告
Should not be doing an octopus(不应执行octopus) : Octpus是 Git 用来合并多个不同代码版本的一种策略。如果在不合适的情况下尝试使用该策略,则可能会出现此消息。
You are in 'detached HEAD' state(你处于“分离的 HEAD”状态) : Git 将你目前所在的提交称为 HEAD。可通过切换到前一个提交来“分离”HEAD,这在下一个视频中有说明。虽然此警告听起来不太好,但分离 HEAD 实际上不是坏事。Git 只是向你发出警告,以便你知道自己正在这样做。
Panic! (the 'impossible' happened)((天哪!“不可能的事”发生了)) : 这是真正的错误消息,但它不是由 Git 输出的,而是由 GHC(编程语言 Haskell 的编译器)输出的。它仅在发生特别让人惊讶的错误时才会出现!
# 9. 检出代码的旧版本
git checkout : Checking out a commit means resetting all of your files to how they were at the time that commit was made.
git checkout
# Course 2 : 习题集1
# Course 3 : 创建和修改代码库
# 1. 版本库有何特点
Repository : For the most part it just looks like a normal directory on your computer. The only real difference is that git repositories store a bunch of metadata about the history of the repository since it was created.
显示隐藏文件.git,使用命令ls -a
# 2. 初始化版本库
git init : 初始化或创建新的Git代码库
# 3. 检查新版本库
git status
: To see that this is a git repository, you can run git status
. It shows which files have changed since the last commit.
# 4. 暂存区
Staging area : You can add files one at a time to the staging area.
git add cake-recipe.txt
git add frosting-recipe.txt
git status
注意: 如果你意外地将某个文件添加到暂存区中,可以使用git reset
git reset cake-recipe.txt
# 5. 提交更改
- 在第一次进行
git commit
的操作时,出现***Please tell me who you are.Run
说明Git Bsah没有配置好,因此我们需要进行如下操作来解决这个问题
git config user.name "your name"
git config user.email "your email@example.com"
- 在解决了这个问题之后,进行
git commit
git config --global core.editor "'D:/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe' -w -n"
注意: 此处,在路径的空格之前不需要添加\转义字符!
# 6. 再次学习git diff
- 当你找到导致错误的代码部分时,你可以进行修改,修改完成后,通过输入
git diff
可以比较working directory
和staging area
中修改的地方。 - 而当你将修改后的文件通过
git add
添加至暂存区时,需要运行git diff --staged
来显示你的修改(我理解为比较staging area
中该文件的不同之处)。 - 当你想要放弃工作目录或暂存区的所有更改时,你可以输入
git reset --hard
注意: 此时,HEAD仍处于检出旧提交时的“分离”状态,而下面的命令将修复该问题。
git checkout master
# 7. 分支
Branches : When you need to update your records and use this new commit as your real version, Git allows you to create labels for your commits.
Master : Master is the name given to main branch in most Git repositories and every time you create a repository, Git creates a master branch for you.
The tip of the branch : The current last commit on a branch.
Attention: If you check out a branch and then make a commit, the branch label automatically updates to the new commit. That branch also stays checked out, so you don't have to check it out again.
# 8. 创建分支
(1). You can use git branch
to show yourself the current branches
(2). Run the following command to create the branch.
git branch easy-mode
(3). After create the easy-mode
branch, you can run git branch
to see what happens. The shar next to master means that master is the branch that is currently checked out.
(4). You need to run the command git checkout easy-mode
in order to check out the branch.
(5). Then you can modify the codes and commit it.
# 9. 用分支协同工作
You can visualize the branch structure via the following command:
git log --graph --oneline master coins
# 10. 再次学习分离的HEAD
- 当你检出顶点前的ID时,该ID上的提交的commit在检出到Master上就会变的不可访问(即
git log
无法显示该ID上的commit),除非你记得该ID。 - 不过你可以使用下面的命令在该ID处创建一个分支:
git checkout -b new_branch_name
# 11. 通过命令行合并
You can run the following command to create a merged version of the two branches.
git merge master coins
When you want to see the diff between this commit and its parent, you can run the following command.
git show 3884#commit_id
Then if you don't need the
branch, you can run the following command to delete it.git branch -d coins
注意: 由于是合并两个分支,因此在命令行中按何顺序键入分支并不重要。关键是要记住,git merge
- 合并冲突 如果你收到类似以下所示的消息:
Auto-merging game.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in game.js
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
这表示在你开始合并时,文件的状态不同于 Caroline 的文件状态。要修复此问题,请完成以下步骤:
- 运行
git merge --abort
,将文件恢复到你开始合并之前的状态。 - 仔细检查文件的状态。如果在检出 master 分支时运行
git log
,则应看到 Caroline 的“Add color”提交是第二新的提交,而最新的提交应为你修复 bullet 错误的提交。如果使用git diff
将你的提交与 Caroline 的提交进行对比,你的提交应在第 424 行引入this.delayBeforeBullet = 10
; 这行代码。应仅使用空格(无制表符)使该行的缩进程度与其下面一行相同,而且该行之后应无空格。 - 在文件处于正确的状态后,利用你所做的更改新建一个提交。
- 重新尝试合并。
- 更多内容请参考此页 (opens new window)。
# 12. 解决合并冲突
git checkout easy-mode
git merge master easy-mode
Auto-merging game.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in game.js
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
git status#查看git状态
git add game.js
git status#查看git状态
git commit
git log -n 1#查看第一条记录
# Course 4 : 使用GitHub协作
# 1. 添加远程版本库
- 首先在GitHub上创建一个代码库
- 然后使用命令
git remote
查看和创建远程代码库 - 接着将GitHub上的代码库当作远程代码库,运行命令
git remote add origin https://gith ub.com/evansyangs/reflections.git
为代码库名称,如果你只有一个远程代码库,标准做法是将其命名为origin,同时要提供该远程代码库的URL - 再次运行
git remote
就可以看到origin远程代码库已经创建了 - 为验证添加的URL正确无误,可以运行
git remote -v
,输出更多信息 - 要向远程代码库发送更改,可以使用命令
git push origin master
,将本地代码库的master分支复制到远程代码库origin上 - 要从远程代码库拉回主分支时,可以使用命令
git pull origin master
# 2. Fork版本库
在GitHub上你可以Fork其它用户的版本库,作为副本存放在自己的账号上,然后可以使用git clone
# 3. 更新远程分支的本地副本
- 如果你对每个代码库进行了不同的更新,即在本地进行了一项更新,然后在远程进行了另一项更新,这将有可能产生冲突。
- 你可以通过运行命令
git fetch
更新远程分支的本地副本,而实际的本地版本保持不动。 - 然后你可以使用
git merge
将它们包含在master分支中。 - 实际上当你运行
git pull
时发生的正是这种情况。首先,远程分支会被取回,更新远程分支的本地副本,然后该分支与本地分支进行合并。 - 即
git pull origin master
=git fetch origin
+git merge master origin/master
# 4.创建拉取请求
GitHub提供了一种叫pull request
# 5. 保持Fork最新
你可以使用以下命令git remote add upstream https://github.com/udacity/create-your-own-adventure.git
与远程代码库连接,然后通过git pull upstream master
来更新本地库,接着使用git log
查看修改,并合并修改,最后使用命令git push origin master
# 6. Github使用的补充
- …or create a new repository on the command line`
echo "# test" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/evansyangs/test.git
git push -u origin master
- …or push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin https://github.com/evansyangs/test.git
git push -u origin master
- …or import code from another repository
You can initialize this repository with code from a SubversionMercurial, or TFS project.